Sunday, February 2, 2014

Wait...we tried one cycle...and I'm NOT pregnant?

In November 2013, we decided we wouldn't "try" but wouldn't "prevent" either. My thought : "haha...this is going to be easy, I should have a positive before the end of the month". I had calculated my due date. I was ready to bring my maternity clothes out. I'm not exaggerating. I did this stuff. CD13, I start to bleed. What just happened? This can't be happening, I have perfect cycles. Not anymore. We started from scratch, I said it was a fluke for sure. Cycle Day 12 rolls around, great cervical mucous, I must be ovulating this time. YES. I calculated my due date for this cycle. We're going to catch this eggy!! CD14, 15, 16 roll around, I get excited, and we try to get pregnant this cycle. I've got this! CD17...start to bleed. At this point I already feel defeated. This has never happened to me before. We start over, this time I'm a bit more hesitant to be excited about it. My cycle is great! Egg white cervical mucous shows up right on time, CD12. It lasts ... and lasts. I read online that if it continues past your fertile stage, it could mean you're pregnant. At this point, I've reached CD20 and I'm convinced it's worked. In my previous pregnancies, I've gotten positives as early as 6 days post ovulation, so I start to test. Every time I went to pee, I tested. CD22 rolled around, still negative, but it's still early. CD22...period started. How is this possible. 3 cycles. This can't be happening. We start over. This time, I'm doing ovulation predictor kits literally every day, starting at cycle day 4. Cycle day 8 it starts to slowly get darker. Cycle day 10, it's almost positive! Cycle day 11, the same thing. Cycle day 12...very very negative. Why didn't it get positive? We try anyway through the cycle. I start testing again at CD20. Every day, until every 4-5 hours. CD25, nothing. CD26, nothing. I'm surely pregnant, this is the longest cycle I have, even if the OPK didn't get positive, surely, it worked. CD27, still negative, and the dreaded scent started, my cervical mucous started to smell like menstruation. I cried and knew my period would show up shortly. CD28, it started. Four cycles. We are on our 5th cycle, about to start OPK's in a few days. Hoping this cycle is different. CD4 today. Menstruation is almost done (shortest period I've had in...before baby 5). That's pretty well what's happened so far in our journey to completing our family. Daily or at least weekly updates to follow :)

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