Sunday, February 2, 2014

Telling People About Our Struggle

Let me start by saying I never thought I'd be writing a blog about trying to conceive, because I've never done it. Yes, I have children. However...I've never "tried" to conceive. Not really anyway. My first child, was a surprise. Surprise? Yeah...that would be the word I would use. It was on my 17th birthday that I found out that I was pregnant with my first child. I was devastated. ...Surprised? Yes...we'll say surprised. I was religiously taking birth control, and obviously, wasn't extremely sexually active, but had been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years. Our second was "planned". That is, I decided it would be nice for our daughter to have a sibling, so I stopped birth control, and three weeks later, found out I was pregnant. My third pregnancy is a long story, but I'll make it as short as I possibly can. I was a surrogate, a traditional surrogate, using my own eggs. We decided that we would try for one cycle. We tried for one cycle and sat around and hoped that it would work. It did. Twins. What were the chances of that. Five months after they were born, I got pregnant with my fifth baby, while on birth control. My (then) husband was over joyed that we were adding yet another baby to our family. A third child. I was in denial. For a long time. But, baby Evan came along, my chubby happy baby. This is where my story goes for a whirl. I decided to do another surrogacy, and to leave my very unhappy marriage. We had been together for seven years, which seems like most of my life, considering I was 22. We had three children together, but the affairs taunted me and I really couldn't do it anymore. We had no base of a do you sleep beside someone who you can't even trust? What kind of marriage is it when you have to force yourself to smile, you both go through routines, schedules...but there is no "happy". You go to bed every night, different times of course, turn away from the other person and avoid conversation. Eventually it becomes routine, and you just to go sleep. Wake up, get the kids ready for the day, get ourselves ready for the day. Carry on with whatever needs to be done that day, regroup for supper, get kids to bed, clean, go to bed. What kind of life is that? So yes, I decided enough was enough. I didn't want to wonder if the man I was supposed to spend my life with was taking off with a waitress, clerk, mail imagine would often run wild. Love does make it's way back into your life though. We both went into it with the mindset of noway no how ever having children, no way was there a chance of that. I'm not going through THAT again. I went into my second surrogacy journey though. Contracts got completed, started meds. Meanwhile, a lot is happening in my new relationship. I started IVF medications. I went through the first cycle. My boyfriend was unbelievably supportive. Helped me do my injections. Ran to get me hot faceclothes as I bled from injections. Rubbed my butt when I had huge knots and pain from them. Dealt with my mood swings...the man deserves a trophy of some kind I swear. Negative Beta. Second IVF cycle. Cancelled 4 days before embryo transfer. Third IVF cycle. POSITIVE!! PREGNANT! I got digital positives, two line name it...I peed on it! We went for beta. Beta of 34. I knew right away. I've seen those numbers many times before. Second beta two days later was 12. Pretty self explanatory. Chemical pregnancy. At this point, we have done three IVF cycles...I'm walking away. At this point, at home, we had actually discussed possibly adding onto our family. First problem...IVF meds take a toll on your body. IVF meds are a nightmare on your body. IVF meds can prevent ovulation. ...And my story begins.

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